Chenghai export toy quality and safety demonstration zone through the provincial acceptance
author : PubTime :2015-06-12 Hit :476
May 25, according to the "Shantou Metropolis Daily" reported. Recently, Chenghai toy export quality and safety demonstration area smooth through the Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the expert group assessment and acceptance, 43 toy production and trade enterprises to become the first batch of enterprises entering the zone. Which marks the "China toys and gifts" Chenghai District in work created the national export toy quality and safety demonstration zone has achieved stage results, promote the transformation and upgrading of the toy industry, to enhance the export competitiveness of Shantou brand.
According to the briefing, last year, Shantou inspection and Quarantine Bureau and the people's Government of the District of Chenghai officially launched the Chenghai toy quality and safety demonstration zone to create a job. During the creation of the demonstration zone, Chenghai area in Shantou inspection and Quarantine Bureau and government closely and actively build "local government responsibility, the enterprise negative main responsibility, the supervision of the inspection and quarantine departments, related departments make concerted efforts, industry association and coordination, social forces to participate in the" export toy quality and safety supervision management mechanism, efforts to build a toy manufacturing heights, promote high-end development in the toy industry, and gradually improve the export toy products quality and safety level and core competitiveness, has formed a technology, brand, quality and service is the core of the new competitive advantages in export. During the trial operation of the demonstration zone, Shantou, inspection and Quarantine Bureau to actively improve the technology service platform construction in the region, timely introduction of relevant preferential measures, in the demonstration zone pilot "reported that", to achieve "zero wait" straight through release, and achieved remarkable results. Since January of this year, the first batch of pilot enterprises to declare a total toy exports 1937 group, the value of $8722 million, businesses in the region to enjoy "demonstration zone".
Down, Shantou inspection and Quarantine Bureau will be based on the provincial demonstration zone, and gradually study the introduction of more convenient measures, and ultimately the demonstration area of all enterprises to enjoy the relevant facilitation. Will also with the Chenghai District government closely, more small and medium-sized enterprise excellent absorption, gradually expand the demonstration area size, for the next step built state-level export toy quality and safety demonstration zone fully prepared to do


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